The Reason I Knit and Crochet
August 25, 2016
Blankets of Love South Bay Picks Up Steam
September 22, 2016
The Reason I Knit and Crochet
August 25, 2016
Blankets of Love South Bay Picks Up Steam
September 22, 2016

Here I am, about 5 months out from the formation of Blankets of Love South Bay. I had NO idea where I would be at this point, if I would be crocheting on my own, or if others would help me. A very fortunate thing happened in August when the Beach Reporter included me in their “Kindness” section of their paper. That article was read by many and embraced by several. I am truly humbled by the response I have received.

I have been contacted by so many people that want to help that I am truly honored. I believe that this cause taps into something others want to be a part of….. To help babies in need and use their knitting/crocheting skills to fulfill this need.

Blankets of Love South Bay is evolving, growing, and reaching out to people way outside of our area. I am proud. I am honored and I am humbled by people’s love and desire to help. I am so very happy that my son’s legacy is bringing people together. Thank you one and all. The beginning portends an amazing future. Anything is possible.


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